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Eruv Update, Map and Info

07/19/2022 07:28:23 PM



Dear Congregation,


Last week the West Ashley Eruv underwent its expert check with Rabbi Chaim Jachter and the map has been updated (slightly). Below is the updated Eruv map - the inside of the black line marks the Eruv area. If you will be near the black line, be sure to zoom in and check exactly where the Eruv line runs.


To view this map online go to You can find a printable map HERE (copies are also available at the shul).

To check the status of our Eruv head to, we will also send an email alert if there is an issue.

For information on what an Eruv is and how it works, see this article 'What Is an Eruv'



  • The circumference of the Eruv is 9.22 miles
  • It covers 2.9 square miles
  • Over 100 halachic doorways (Tzuras Hapesach) make up the 'walls' of the Eruv


We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped set up, maintain, and check this Eruv:

Rabbi Davies, Kenny Abitbol, Yaakov Berendt, Randy Cohen, Jason Daniels, Dovid Felzenberg, Slade Gleaton, Rabbi Hoberman, Jimi Horne, Marvin Katzin, BJ Novit, David Rosenberg, Will Scheer, Greg Yarus, and Jonathan Zucker


To help this holy cause by checking part of the Eruv periodically, email me at


Wishing you all the best,
Sholom S. Mimran
Rabbi, Congregation Dor Tikvah
NCSY Community Director of Charleston
Address: 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407 
Shul Office: +1-843-410-5970
Rabbi's Office: +1-843-410-5989
Cell: +1-843-609-2050
Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785